Saturday, July 05, 2003

(more from my thesis notebook)

I’m getting sick and tired of being strong.

God I’m scared
Give me Your hand
I beg You
To guide me

Stop throwing me balls
Too many too fast
This catch ball game is too hard.

I’m tired.
I’m tired of worrying.
I don’t want to play anymore, God.
You’re throwing too many balls
In this game of life
I can’t keep up.

But there’s nothing I can do.
It’s either sink or swim.
I have no choice.
But to keep running
In the ever-spinning
Wheel of fate
Like a stupid hamster.

I wanna get off,
Stop the bus.
I’m getting sick.

…Yet, I’m still thankful for whatever blessings I still get.

“PRAYER JOURNAL: Entry June 14, 2000”
I am your black-winged angel whose wings get heavier as trials weigh me down, sinking my heart into the bloody, choking ocean of despair. I struggle to beat my wings, but the thick slimy water covers them. I get tired, tempted to give up. To just sink to the bottom. And lay there in death’s embrace.

Yet a fire burns within me. Thy flames of defiance stoking my passion for living. To live stubbornly on. Flap my wings to shake off the heavy waters of hopelessness. I know it’s gonna be hard at first, but if I’d just plod on, pushing and finally smashing through my obstacles, I know I could win. I just shouldn’t give up.

Tired from running
Scared and bleeding
Hungry and searching

Thou art so beautiful
I love thee
And so I am doomed.

Oh geez, now what?
I was the one who had no one to turn to when I needed help!
I was the one who ran all over the place
bleeding and searching and hungry and tired and scared
in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere!
Now YOU’RE angry?!?

“If you draw to express your feelings…”
How do you draw PAIN?
How do you draw EMPTINESS?
How do you draw LONELINESS?
How do you draw DESPAIR?
How would you color SORROW?

“Your Parasite Eve”
I love you
I need you
And I hate it.
I never wanted to be
Your Parasite Eve.
But I can’t help it.
I love you.
I need you.
I am sorry.

…only five days left.
And you’re still sleeping.

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